how to buy?

If you are interested in a product available in our store, you can make a purchase quickly and easily.

Product selection:

Select the product you are interested in from the menu on the right side of the photo and click the "Add to cart" button.

Continue shopping:

You can continue shopping by clicking "Continue shopping" or proceed to checkout by selecting the delivery method and payment method and then clicking the "Order" button.


Provide the necessary data: name and surname, address (street, house number, apartment number, city, postal code), contact telephone number, product, quantity, delivery method and payment method.

Order confirmation:

After clicking the "Order" button, the order will be placed.

Confirm your order by clicking the activation link sent to the provided e-mail address.

Execution of the contract:

After confirming the purchase, the order is accepted for processing.

We reserve the right to refuse to process an order that is not confirmed within three days of placing the order.

Registration and customer account:

You can place an order online without having to register your details in the store's database.

Alternatively, you can register a Customer Account, where your details will be saved, which will allow you to make faster purchases in the future without having to enter them again.

Our Team Laboplast24